Hitch - A serial killer gets a surprise... (You can see it on AtomFilms)
It Came From The West - My favourite short of the weekend mixing zombies and Westerns with puppets to hilarious effect. The phrase "weak pisser" has now entered my vocabulary. You can see more of this madness at http://www.zombiewestern.com/.
L'Instant Avant - The one short I didn't watch... This short smashed through my comfort barrier and right out the other end! Once I could tell the direction it was heading, my eyes were firmly shut... I can tell you that it involved coat-hangers and elicited quite a vocal reaction from the audience... I opened my eyes again when the applause finished. (If you're braver than me, watch it on AtomFilms. They label it 'Mature', you have been warned...)
Monster - What happens if there really is a monster in the closet? (You can see it on AtomFilms)
The Love Craft - A funny little spoof of TV's "The Love Boat" meets Cthulhu, in the same vein as the spoof trailer for "The Shining" as a rom-com that's on the net.
Far West & Carlitopolis - Two inventive shorts from French 'animator' Luis Nieto, to say any more would spoil the surprise. (You can see the latter on YouTube)
Cutting Edge - The festival's short film competition. The winning film was "The Fifth", which highlights the difficulties some people have in trying not to mix business and pleasure. There were some other great entrants including "Mime Massacre" (does exactly what it says on the tin - yay! http://www.mimemassacre.com/), "Nose Hair", "Blind Man's Alley", "Lump" and "Anaesthesia" (the last two would make you think twice about going to the hospital for surgery any time soon...)
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